Monday, December 15, 2008

November 17, 2008 SNPDCmeeting notes

Attendees: Liz Vahlkamp LV, Christine Perala Gardiner CPG, Donna Rudd DR, and Sue Simonton SS

Hat “chain letter” contains a knitted Hat Pattern made of suri yarn, made and sent by Sue S – very lovely hat!! This is being sent to each of the SNPDC members to get an idea of the patterns we are starting to offer.

Discussion of 3 ply yarn; stronger than 2. Hat yarn is 3 ply sport wt, pure suri. If fiber is long it can be spun finer. Handspun is usually 2 ply.
DR: Older European ladies spin 3 ply; learned as children
SS: 3 ply hand spun is special; 2 ply often fine for weaving. 3 ply into socks in suri would not stand up on the leg.

Five topics are to be covered tonight:

1) SS asked for update on online library initiative which LV gave: SS and DR completed their list of articles they wanted to have posted on the library site. They sent them to LV, who talked to Marsha at SN Office - SN BOD gave approval to work on webpage for SN Library. SN will send legal form to authors for approval. SN magazine articles will be posted also. Research articles will be listed, posted. LV called Bill Vonderhaar on Research Committee. “Research” includes papers from Australia, Canada, other suri breeders, producers and processors like Tillman luster study; Proctor & Gamble study on luster analysis. The articles put together by SS and DR are largely research papers, so the thought is that the Research Committee may want to keep these up to date going forward. LV owes Bill another call on this and will complete that by the next SNPDC meeting.

2) SS needs fine suri yarns to use for pattern prototypes. CPG offered to send her 1 skein of her suri-silk blend 2 ply lace wt, for SS to knit into hat or scarf.

LV asked if we know suri people in our area who have fine yarns and produce specifically for the knitting community. If so, we need to ask them to donate some skeins. Apparently few suri breeders produce yarns for retail sale with a clear knowledge of knitting, so might be a challenge to find donors. LV contacted Long Hollow Alpacas, part owners in New Era Fiber Mill as well as Sweetbriar Suri Alpacas, and Mystic Springs Ranch. DR offered to send some as well. Each is going to send some skeins. LV has already tapped Wild Rose Suri Ranch, Alpaca Jacks, and Ameripaca for yarns earlier for the F2F program, so trying to work with some new farms on this latest project.

DR asked that SS start a sample or log book, saving yarn samples, regardless of quality, so that we can start to get a better idea of the quality of yarn being produced, areas of education for processors and farms that might arise out of this information, etc. All SNPDC attendees thought this was a good idea, so SS is going to do this going forward.

3) LV: RE Canadian & Australian Fiber Harvesting Manuals. It was confirmed that all on the phone had read the two manuals, and it was agreed by all that the US needs a similar manual. LV recommended that we approach AOBA & the 3 co-ops to organize a task force to arrange the US Alpaca Fiber Manual. There was discussion around this as there was concern that with so many different interests on the “task force” the process might be slow or it might get buried in bureaucracy. The thought was that our group is generally fast and active and could get something done quickly. However, LV indicated that she thought it would be important to include all alpaca “factions” in this project as it is something that impacts the whole industry, and there is little difference in preparation between suri and huacaya, so no need for two separate manuals. It was agreed by all that we would try this route first, and if some or all did not want to participate that we would move forward anyway and come back to those groups with the final product, letting them know that we would be happy to work with them when they were ready.
4) Further discussion from last meeting re: seminars for sorting. The goal is not to teach people to be ‘certified sorters” but about sorting/ classing – what it is and how it can impact their breeding programs. It was generally determined that several seminars across the US would be worthwhile. Ideas for venues included show locations (ruled out due to being too stressful), SNPDC member farms, which might be a possibility, or “hooking up” with our regional AOBA affiliates to do a broader training session. It was decided that as head of the processing initiative, DR will draw up a course or seminar outline in draft form. She will send it around for our contributions. SS has held one of these on her farm, so she will send DR her course outline for a starting foundation.

5) Update on other initiatives:
A) Organic Fiber Standards - CPG is beginning to research various organic programs. There is no official organic standard yet for protein fibers by the USDA. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the lead US agent for collaboration at the international level. Several nations are currently collaborating as the International Working Group on the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). We could contact the IWG on GOTS via a letter to raise the profile of alpaca as an international textile; it seems currently not to be listed among the fibers under consideration. If the SN Board approves of taking this initiative forward, CPG will draft a letter and send to Liz for review.
B) DR wanted to know what happened to processor survey. LV explained that PB was supposed to contact each of the processors and co-ops first to see if they would want to start receiving information from us that we are sending out to membership. The idea is to bring them up to speed with what we are doing and then give them the survey. So, for now the survey is on hold, but will go out at some point as it has lots of good questions. PB needs to get back with LV on her success in reaching the processors.
C) HC is going to post several items to the blog in the near future. LV will contact her for status.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 Eastern Time.

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